References: arXiv:1410.8849 (NNPDF3.0 paper) and arXiv:1308.0598 (NNPDF2.3QED)
NNPDF3.0QED sets
PDF sets obtained by following the steps:
- Attach the Photon PDF of NNPDF2.3QED (N)NLO at Q = 1.414 GeV to NNPDF3.0 NNLO.
- Evolve this new set from Q = 1.414 GeV to the final range Q=[1,1e5] GeV using the QCD+QED exact solution available in APFEL (QUniD).
LHAPDF6 grids |
NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118_qed |
NNPDF30_nnlo_as_0118_qed |
Validation plots
Plots generated with SMPDF (arXiv:1602.00005) and APFEL Web (arXiv:1410.5456).
NNPDF3.0 vs NNPDF3.0QED NLO comparison at Q = 1.414 GeV:
NNPDF3.0 vs NNPDF3.0QED NLO comparison at Q = 100 GeV:
Photon PDF comparison at Q = 1.414 and 100 GeV:
Luminosities at 13 TeV:

NNPDF3.0 vs NNPDF3.0QED NNLO comparison at Q = 1.414 GeV:
NNPDF3.0 vs NNPDF3.0QED NNLO comparison at Q = 100 GeV:
Photon PDF comparison at Q = 1.414 and 100 GeV:
Luminosities at 13 TeV: